At Harrytown Catholic High School we believe that every person is uniquely created in love by God, in his image.
Therefore, we recognise the intrinsic dignity and worth of every individual, each with unique talents and God-given gifts. We believe that the love of God and the teaching and example of Jesus is made real by the learning we share, the example we set, the affirmation we give and the concern we have for all. Hence, our mission to Live the Gospel, Promote Excellence and Achievement for All and Nurture Partnerships is at the heart of our SEND provision.
We also have some resources on a separate page here to help with pupils whose mental health has suffered as a result of events in their lives.
Our Special Educational Needs Information Report/Policy answers some frequently asked questions. If, after reading this document you still have questions please contact school and we will be happy to answer any further questions.
Alternatively please visit Stockport's Local Offer website which is a one stop shop of information and support services for children and young people aged 0-25 and their families with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND)
SEN Admissions - Students with SEN are allocated places in two ways: Those students with Statements of Educational Needs or Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) have a separate admissions procedure overseen by Stockport’s SEN team. Those students who have SEN but do not have a Statement or an EHCP are admitted via the normal school admissions criteria. Please contact the schools SENCO for more details.
SEND Information for Parents
Checklists |