HARRYTOWNExtra – Enrichment For All
- Here at Harrytown, we believe that learning beyond the curriculum is just as important as that which happens in the classroom. It sparks imagination, improves physical, emotional and social health, stimulates creativity and develops successful, confident young people!
- We are pleased to be able to offer a wide variety of opportunities through our HARRYTOWNExtra enrichment programme, which we believe has something for everyone and a lot for most!
- Please browse through what is on offer and contact the member of staff indicated. Contact details can be found on the Contact Us page if you would like more information.
- In February 2023 we reinstated the biennial school Ski Trip, the next one will be organised for December 2024. Click here for the dedicated page which we will keep updated.
HarrytownExtra Presentation with full details
PE Enrichment Clubs
Poster with details of all activities