Harrytown Catholic High School

Contact Us

All staff have a unique email address which is their initial of their first name followed by their surname separated by a dot @harrytown.stockport.sch.uk e.g. C McCreesh will be [email protected]

A full staff list can be found below however for quick reference the most frequently used email addresses are:

General Enquiries [email protected]
Safeguarding Concerns [email protected]

Pastoral enquiries/concerns

Please note that your child’s Form Tutor should be your first point of contact for any general concerns you may have.

Pastoral Managers

Year 7 [email protected]
Year 8 [email protected]
Year 9 [email protected]
Year 10 [email protected]
Year 10 [email protected]
Year 11 [email protected]
Heads of Year
Year 7 [email protected]
Year 8 [email protected]
Year 9 [email protected]
Year 10 [email protected]
Year 11 [email protected]
Attendance Officer (request for leave of absence) [email protected]
Special Educational Needs [email protected]
Boys & Girls Sport, Mr Birtles [email protected]


Staff List


Mrs F Russell Admin Manager
Mrs J Livingstone Headteacher's PA
Miss D Barber Office Administrator
Mrs D Whittle Office Administrator
Mrs A Smethurst Office Administrator
Mrs A Thirkettle Office Administrator
Mrs G Cunningham SEND Administrator
Mrs G Hurley Finance and Cover Officer
Mrs S Garland Pupil Services Admin
Mrs G Waddell Exam & Data Manager

 Site Team

Mr A Winterbottom Facilities Manager
Mr S Hashmi Caretaker

Communication Faculty

Miss U King Teacher of English & Faculty Leader
Ms T Aplin Teacher of English
Mrs D Boyle Teacher of English
Ms A Dodd Teacher of English
Mr M Redmond Teacher of English
Mrs CA Thornley Teacher of English
Mrs S Edbrooke Teacher of MFL
Mr D Coe Teacher of MFL
Mr A Gomez Teacher of MFL
Miss A Phillippe Teacher of MFL
Mr J Walker Teacher of MFL
Mrs A Cutting Teacher of IT & Business
Mr K Majid Teacher of IT

Creative and Physical Faculty

Mr T Birtles Teacher of PE & Faculty Leader
Mr M Cusani Teacher of PE
Mrs N Morris Teacher of PE
Miss S Ormrod Teacher of PE
Mr M Schleiner Teacher of PE
Mr G Walker Teacher of PE
Mrs L Matthews Teacher of Art
Miss T Kosasih Assistant Headteacher: Teaching & Learning
Mrs R Chadwick Teacher of Food & Nutrition
Mr G Williamson Teacher of Design Technology
Mr D Sumner Teacher of Music

Humanities Faculty

Mr C Fisher Teacher of RE & Faculty Leader
Mrs C Lyons Teacher of RE
Miss C McGuinn Teacher of RE
Mrs F Roberts Teacher of RE
Miss J Wilson Teacher of RE
Mrs SJ Pinion Teacher of History
Mr N Barry Teacher of History
Mr C McCreesh Assistant Headteacher: Data and Achievement
Mrs H Walton Teacher of Geography
Mr T Halpin Teacher of Geography
Miss J Cullen Assistant Headteacher: Behaviour & Intervention

STEM Faculty

Mrs C Williamson Teacher of Maths & Head of Subject
Mr D Corbett Teacher of Maths
Mrs E Grimsditch Teacher of Maths
Mrs S Hayfron Teacher of Maths
Mr R Horan Teacher of Maths
Miss D Moj Teacher of Maths
Miss L White Teacher of Maths
Mrs A Holmes Teacher of Science & Head of Subject
Mrs L Garratt Deputy Headteacher: Safeguarding & Catholic Life
Mrs J Gill Teacher of Science
Miss I Goldsmith Teacher of Science
Mrs J Harrison Teacher of Science
Miss L Harrold Teacher of Science
Miss H Jones Teacher of Science
Miss G Perrins Teacher of Science

Support Staff

Mr D Fitton Lay Chaplain
Mr J Acton Learning Mentor
Miss Z Fitzpatrick Learning Mentor
Mrs V Hall Learning Mentor
Miss I Boyle Learning Mentor
Miss M Hopkins Learning Mentor
Mrs L Corbett Learning Mentor
Mrs A Ryan Learning Mentor
Mrs Angela Byrne Learning Mentor
Mr D Ripley Cover Supervisor
Miss R Mace Art/DT Technician
Mrs D Phillips Food Technician
Mrs K Jeffers Lab Technician


Mrs K Harrold Nurture Teacher
Miss R Wood Nurture Teacher


Mr M Percival IT Manager


Mr P Lane Behaviour Teacher

Senior Leadership

Mrs C Pickles Headteacher
Mrs L Garratt Deputy Headteacher: Safeguarding & Catholic Life
Miss J Cullen Assistant Headteacher: Behaviour & Intervention
Ms T Kosasih Assistant Headteacher: Teaching & Learning
Mr C McCreesh Assistant Headteacher: Data and Achievement
Mrs V Howe School Business Manager

All queries for the Headteacher should be sent to [email protected]


If you wish to communicate using a letter, our address is here on this page.

All enquiries should be addressed to Mrs C Pickles, Headteacher.


Harrytown Catholic High School

Harrytown, Romiley, Stockport, SK6 3BU

Tel: 0161 430 5277

Switchboard hours
8.00 to 4.00 Monday to Friday