Monitoring and Evaluation
Feedback is sought from:
HCHS Governors, staff and partners, and improvements made through our internal QA processes
External visitors, following employer encounters
Pupils, both informally and through the School Council
Parents, both informally and via the school website
Progress against the Gatsby Benchmarks is monitored at least twice per year using the Compass Tool
Pupil destination information is received annually and progress compared with previous years. Specific detail about our ‘pupil destinations’ can be found below:
Year |
% Participating in Post-16 Learning |
2023 |
96% |
2022 |
98.5% |
Gatsby Benchmarks
The Gatsby Benchmarks are the gold standard for careers education in schools/colleges.
We review our provision in line with the Gatsby Benchmarks every Spring and Summer terms.
Please follow the link to find out more information